Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5th Annual Girl Scout Roller Skating Party

Come join the skating fun at the Nampa Rollerdome.
October 23rd, Tuesday, from 6-8 pm.
The cost is $13 which will cover the entry fee, rental fee, food, and a participation patch.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Association 5 Semi-annual meeting

All troop leaders and co-leaders are invited to attend the Association 5 semi-annual meeting. It will be held October 25th from 6:30-8:30 pm.
Red Feather Subdivision Clubhouse, 2850 N Grenadier Avenue (South off of Ustick between Eagle Road and Cloverdale), Eagle.
Lots of great information will be shared and discussed. For questions or more information, contact Nancy Ward at (208) 378-0357.


Bridging is an important transition in a Girl Scout's life. Girls become aware of their achievements and are ready for new adventures and responsibilities.
Come celebrate with us on May 18th at 4pm at East Canyon Elementary on Northside Blvd. We are celebrating this change with a ceremony and lots of fun.
Email Nicole at with a list of girls and the level they are bridging to, so they can be included in the program.